
Steps of Combat
Surprise round: (link to additional information)
1. Surprise - If 1 side surprises the other one, the attacker gets a free combat round before initiative is rolled.
Normal Combat rounds (once surprise round is done/or surprise round does not happen)
1. The DM decides what actions the monsters or NPCs will take, including casting spells (if any).
2. The players indicate what their characters will do, including casting spells (link to additional information for steps 1 and 2).
3. Initiative is determined. (link to additional information)
4. Attacks are made in order of initiative. Combat actions (link to Combat Actions details) and movement actions (link to Movement Actions details) can be taken.
These steps are followed/repeated until the combat ends—either one side is defeated, surrenders, or runs away. Hit points, the effects of lost hit points, and healing are covered on this page.
Note: Follow the links for additional information on each subject. Also, character class specific information about combat will be included within the "Classes" section.
Source: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - 2nd Edition: Player's Handbook Revised (Premium Edition) pages 122, 124.
Surprise round: (link to additional information)
1. Surprise - If 1 side surprises the other one, the attacker gets a free combat round before initiative is rolled.
Normal Combat rounds (once surprise round is done/or surprise round does not happen)
1. The DM decides what actions the monsters or NPCs will take, including casting spells (if any).
2. The players indicate what their characters will do, including casting spells (link to additional information for steps 1 and 2).
3. Initiative is determined. (link to additional information)
4. Attacks are made in order of initiative. Combat actions (link to Combat Actions details) and movement actions (link to Movement Actions details) can be taken.
These steps are followed/repeated until the combat ends—either one side is defeated, surrenders, or runs away. Hit points, the effects of lost hit points, and healing are covered on this page.
Note: Follow the links for additional information on each subject. Also, character class specific information about combat will be included within the "Classes" section.
Source: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - 2nd Edition: Player's Handbook Revised (Premium Edition) pages 122, 124.