Unburdened No Effect
Burdened -10 ft to character’s Move Score (minimum of 5 ft), +2 to Challenge Level of all Dexterity Based Checks
Overburdened Move reduced to 5'/round, Automatically fail all Dexterity Based Checks, Lose Dexterity bonus to AC
Unburdened No Effect
Burdened -10 ft to character’s Move Score (minimum of 5 ft), +2 to Challenge Level of all Dexterity Based Checks
Overburdened Move reduced to 5'/round, Automatically fail all Dexterity Based Checks, Lose Dexterity bonus to AC
Weight in lbs.
Strength Unburdened Burdened Overburdened Modifier Examples Description
(no score) — — — — Allip, shadow, will-o’-wisp A creature with no Strength score is likely to be incorporeal (like ghosts)
0 0 0 0 — — Too weak to move in any way and is unconscious.
1 0-3 4–6 7–10 –4 Lantern archon, bat, toad Morbidly weak, has significant trouble lifting own limbs
2 0-6 7–13 14–20 –3 Rat swarm Needs help to stand, can be knocked over by strong breezes
3 0-10 11–20 21–30 –3
4 0-13 14–26 27–40 –2 Grig, monstrous centipede Knocked off balance by swinging something dense
5 0-16 17–33 34–50 –2
6 0-20 21–40 41–60 –1 Hawk, cockatrice, pixie Difficulty pushing an object of their weight
7 0-23 24–46 47–70 –1
8 0-26 27–53 54–80 –1 Quasit, badger Has trouble even lifting heavy objects
9 0-30 31–60 61–90 +0
10 0-33 34–66 67–100 +0 Human Can literally pull their own weight
11 0-38 39–76 77–115 +0
12 0-43 44–86 87–130 +0 Dog, pony, ghoul Carries heavy objects for short distances
13 0-50 51–100 101–150 +1
14 0-58 59–116 117–175 +1 Gnoll, dire badger, baboon Visibly toned, throws small objects for long distances
15 0-66 67–133 134–200 +1
16 0-76 77–153 154–230 +2 Black pudding, choker, shark Carries heavy objects with one arm
17 0-86 87–173 174–260 +2
18 0-100 101–200 201–300 +3 Centaur, displacer beast, minotaur Can break objects like wood with bare hands
19 0-116 117–233 234–350 +3
20 0-133 134–266 267–400 +4 Ape, ogre, flesh golem, gorgon Able to out-wrestle a work animal or catch a falling person
21 0-153 154–306 307–460 +4
22 0-173 174–346 347–520 +5 Rhinoceros, ogre destroyer Can pull very heavy objects at appreciable speeds
23 0-200 201–400 401–600 +5
24 0-233 234–466 467–700 +6 Troll berserker Pinnacle of brawn, able to out-lift several people
25 0-266 267–533 534–800 +6 Hill giant, marilith demon
26 0-306 307–613 614–920 +7
27 0-346 347–693 694–1,040 +7
28 0-400 401–800 801–1,200 +8
29 0-466 467–933 934–1,400 +9
30 0-532 533–1,066 1,067–1,600 +10 Fire giant, triceratops, elephant Amongst the strongest creatures to have ever existed
Strength Unburdened Burdened Overburdened Modifier Examples Description
(no score) — — — — Allip, shadow, will-o’-wisp A creature with no Strength score is likely to be incorporeal (like ghosts)
0 0 0 0 — — Too weak to move in any way and is unconscious.
1 0-3 4–6 7–10 –4 Lantern archon, bat, toad Morbidly weak, has significant trouble lifting own limbs
2 0-6 7–13 14–20 –3 Rat swarm Needs help to stand, can be knocked over by strong breezes
3 0-10 11–20 21–30 –3
4 0-13 14–26 27–40 –2 Grig, monstrous centipede Knocked off balance by swinging something dense
5 0-16 17–33 34–50 –2
6 0-20 21–40 41–60 –1 Hawk, cockatrice, pixie Difficulty pushing an object of their weight
7 0-23 24–46 47–70 –1
8 0-26 27–53 54–80 –1 Quasit, badger Has trouble even lifting heavy objects
9 0-30 31–60 61–90 +0
10 0-33 34–66 67–100 +0 Human Can literally pull their own weight
11 0-38 39–76 77–115 +0
12 0-43 44–86 87–130 +0 Dog, pony, ghoul Carries heavy objects for short distances
13 0-50 51–100 101–150 +1
14 0-58 59–116 117–175 +1 Gnoll, dire badger, baboon Visibly toned, throws small objects for long distances
15 0-66 67–133 134–200 +1
16 0-76 77–153 154–230 +2 Black pudding, choker, shark Carries heavy objects with one arm
17 0-86 87–173 174–260 +2
18 0-100 101–200 201–300 +3 Centaur, displacer beast, minotaur Can break objects like wood with bare hands
19 0-116 117–233 234–350 +3
20 0-133 134–266 267–400 +4 Ape, ogre, flesh golem, gorgon Able to out-wrestle a work animal or catch a falling person
21 0-153 154–306 307–460 +4
22 0-173 174–346 347–520 +5 Rhinoceros, ogre destroyer Can pull very heavy objects at appreciable speeds
23 0-200 201–400 401–600 +5
24 0-233 234–466 467–700 +6 Troll berserker Pinnacle of brawn, able to out-lift several people
25 0-266 267–533 534–800 +6 Hill giant, marilith demon
26 0-306 307–613 614–920 +7
27 0-346 347–693 694–1,040 +7
28 0-400 401–800 801–1,200 +8
29 0-466 467–933 934–1,400 +9
30 0-532 533–1,066 1,067–1,600 +10 Fire giant, triceratops, elephant Amongst the strongest creatures to have ever existed